Schools and Businesses

Support for schools

As well as working from my home office I offer counselling within schools local to Horncastle, Lincolnshire. I work with clients aged 6 and older at school so that they are in a familiar setting and that there’s minimal disruption to their learning. So long as school is able to provide a confidential space, I will bring my wheelie suitcase of play and creative materials with me!

School based one to one sessions cost £35 per appointment when a block of three per week are booked.

Well-being sessions

Perhaps you are either part of or supporting a team of professionals who perhaps don’t need supervision but who do need a more ad-hoc offloading space. I offer well-being sessions for many professionals already, including school staff & support workers on both an individual and a group basis. Emotional health and well-being can play a significant part in your team’s work performance and a monthly well-being session could just give them the space your team members need to be able to focus on their role, and to re-align that all important work/life balance which we know can reduce stress levels and improve physical health.

Each 45 minute well-being session costs £45, please contact me directly to discuss the cost of block bookings.